Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's been a little quiet.

I've been meaning to update this for a long time now. And I know everyone says stuff like that, so I'm saying it too.

Where to begin. Well for starters, we have not begun the process of adoption. The reasons are numerous, but there are 3 big ones.

First and the biggest one: we simply have not felt the Lord telling us to act now. The other two reasons explain that more in depth.

Second: He has been doing a great work in my heart (Nathan's too) regarding the children He has already entrusted to us. I love these years and want to cherish them. We also want to lay a very solid foundation for A&H. We want them to be good helpers; to realize at a young age that this life is fleeting and we are on assignment from the Lord to serve, give, and sacrifice for His glory. We feel the Lord is providing us more time to help A&H gain understanding and lay a foundation for our new family. We continue to believe we will begin this process next summer, at the earliest. But we will wait on Him and on His timing.

Third: we feel it is unfair to ask for financial support for the cost until we have set aside a portion of money ourselves. We are trusting the Lord will provide, and we will work to save a good chunk ourselves before asking that others help with their resources.

We are waiting, but we know that waiting doesn't mean we just sit around. We need to prepare when and how He tells us. In May we held a garage sale at our home. A few families from small group donated items, and we had some baby clothes/items to get rid of. Mind you, we really had no big ticket items, and didn't anticipate making much. The Lord was in that garage sale, we don't know how He works, but He is in charge of it all...the sale brought in over $900. We were shocked at His blessing on our small attempt at raising funds while we wait. To be honest, before that sale, I was beginning to be discouraged. We don't like waiting. We are "doers" by nature and when we know we want to do something, we want to get ta gettin! He blessed us with profits yes, but also with encouragement. Almost like a little pep talk- "Don't throw in the towel! Just because I'm saying 'not now' doesn't mean 'not ever'." He's pretty good at meeting us where we're at and giving us what we need.

So there you have it, the truth. We haven't lost hope and this is still what we are pursuing...just not quite yet. Thanks for bearing with us and praying for us.
 ~The Stewarts

"...but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;  and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."  Romans 5:3-5